Polycentric Leadership exhibits a bold entrepreneurial spirit.
Self-governance and freedom are crucial for local teams to operate effectively. ENTREPRENEURIAL FREEDOM engenders effective leadership. This is especially true for successful startups that thrive in a culture of risk-taking, entrepreneurship, experimentation, and innovation. Freedom means independence from overarching structures in terms of decision-making and agenda-setting. This includes teams’ freedom to structure on their own accord and around the more entrepreneurial aspects of leadership.
Mike Duke, former CEO of Walmart, was noted for this, even within a large corporation like Walmart.
“Mike Duke empowers people. He gives them authority to make decisions and one-on-one time to share their ideas.”[v] And, “A lot of autonomy is provided to various associates and they are encouraged to speak their mind.”
How can I grow as an entrepreneurial, polycentric leader?
Key to leading in this transnational and multi-ethnic business environment is fostering a free, entrepreneurial spirit.[vii] Do you foster this creative spirit in your life and leadership?
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- Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash