EMQ » July–September 2023 » Volume 59 Issue 3 Polycentric Mission Leadership: Toward a New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership By Joseph W. Handley, Jr. Fortress Press, 2023 132 pages Reviewed by Birgit Herppich, affiliate assistant professor of intercultural studies, Fuller Theological Seminary; international membership department coordinator, WEC International; and research scholar, Angelina Noble Center. The […]
Polycentric Mission for Europe
GUEST POST BY JIM MEMORY In missiology, the study of Christian mission, our attempts at understanding the advance and retreat of Christianity through history and in the present day frequently involve the creation of categories and concepts that help us make sense of the complexities of the reality ‘on the ground’. We frame the data […]
Polycentric Christian Mission and Ministry: An Introduction: From Everyone to Everywhere
A PCL whitepaper by Graham Joseph Hill: Polycentric Christian Mission and Ministry: An Introduction: From Everyone to Everywhere
Leadership, Hierarchy, and Resilience
GUEST POST BY DR. KATHY ALLEN I have been reading the resilience literature to create a simple framework that would be easy to grasp while providing a directional heading for our organizations and ourselves. This is the first of a series of blogs that reflect this theme — building resilience in our systems.
3-Generation Senior Pastor Model
Here are two articles that represent one church’s polycentric leadership model. Heart of God Church in Singapore is employing this creative approach. GUEST POST BY HEART OF GOD CHURCH – SINGAPORE 5 Senior Pastors at the Same Time Heart of God Church (HOGC-Singapore) is introducing and pioneering a model of senior leadership. Pastor Lia has […]
Great Commission Research Journal – Review
Book Review Polycentric Leadership: Toward a New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership Reviewed by Mark D. Wood, PhD, Director of Kingdom Leadership Training Center, Darhan, Mongolia. In an ever-changing, increasingly complex and globalized world, what opportunities are there to think differently about leadership? This is part of the question that Joseph Handley takes up in […]
Author Interview by MissioNexus
Author Interview: Joseph W. Handley, Jr. Missio Nexus • July 25, 2023 Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. The Author Interview is an informal conversation with the author to to give you more insight to the book. Author Interview Polycentric Mission Leadership: Toward […]
Web3 and Polycentric Governance
Web3 treasuries and polycentric governance
Blockchain communities need to embrace more tools for polycentric governance
Governing the many billions of dollars of digital assets in web3 treasuries is hard.
How big should your treasury be? Should you diversify? Who makes decisions? Who executes decisions? What do good decisions look like?
My aim in this piece is to argue that treasuries should embrace polycentric governance to solve these problems. And we need better [decentralised autonomous organisation] DAO tools to facilitate that polycentric innovation.
Leader’s Edge: Polycentric Leadership Book Review
Leader’s Edge: Leadership MissioNexus Book Review • December 5, 2022 Polycentric Mission Leadership: Toward A New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership By Joseph W. Handley Jr. Regnum Books International, 2022 (191 pages)Find it on Amazon (kindle) • (paperback) Summary This book, by an author who has devoted his adult life to Christian missions, offers a “new” model […]
Polycentric Structures: Transnationality, Decentralization, and Pluralization of Power
GUEST POST BY MATTHEW J. KRABILL, PH.D. The European missionary movement emerged outside the existing church structures, operating almost exclusively through separate mission boards, extra-ecclesial missionary orders, or voluntary societies, and relied on specific trained specialists. This arrangement produced an entrenched church/mission dichotomy in both missiology and mission praxis. Despite the fact that many old […]