These resources are listed under the six themes of polycentric leadership.

“In leadership, I believe that charisma without character is chaos. That’s why I appreciate Asian Access’ commitment to character development. Their leadership model effectively balances the training of the heart as well as the hands and mind.”— Peter Kuzmic
- Vision:
- Vision Festa:
- Abide/Spiritual:
- Christlike Character
- Inspiration

- (A3) Two Relational Qualities of a Great Leader
- (A3) Mentoring: A Relationship that Empowers
- (A3) New Training in Japan is on the Uprise
- (A3) Connecting for Ministry in a Socially Distanced World
- (A3) https://www.a3leaders.org/mobile/18-community-section

- (A3) Collaboration and North American Missions
- (A3) Kärin Primuth on Critical Need for Partnership in Mission Today
- (A3) The Value of Partnership
- (A3) Missio Nexus 2018 ignites global collaboration

- (A3) Learning Community
- (A3) A Place of Authentic Community
- (A3) Leadership Meetings

- (A3) How Good Leaders Tell the Time
- (A3) PALD – Pan Asia Leader Development
- (A2) A2.business – Asian Access leader development for the marketplace sector
- (A3) 7 Mountains or spheres of societal influence

- (A3) Unity, not uniformity; Diversity, not division
- (A3) God is Uniting the Church
- (A3) Leadership Team
- (A3) Ministry Team
- (A3) Vision Council
- (A3) Working Teams
Lausanne Movement resources
- Charismatic
- Collaborative
- Communal
- Diverse
VisionSynergy resources
- Collaboration
- Communal/Community
- Mutual Vision
- Freedom
- Freedom of structure: https://visionsynergy.net/?s=Structure
Wycliffe resources
- Diverse
- Collaborative
- Communal
- Freedom
- Freedom to structure: (Wycliffe) A brief history of the Wycliffe Global Alliance
Seed Company resources
- Collaborative
SIL resources
- Collaborative
- Diverse
Church World Service resources
- Communal
- Relational-empowerment
The world seems to be facing rapidly increasing cycles of disruption, challenges, and disorder. In the face of these challenges, mission leadership is stretched to adapt, trying to catch up with the pace of change and provide wisdom and action that helps navigate these challenges to further the mission God has bestowed on his Church. This research project focuses on the ways leadership is changing in the face of these challenges, suggesting a new theoretical model for mission leadership. It reviews the idea of polycentrism through mission history, mission and church organizations, movement theory, and governance, identifying themes for polycentric mission leadership.
This dissertation isolates six key themes in pursuit of a new theory of leadership. These themes, which were gleaned after reading diverse literature reviews on polycentrism, are charisma, collaborative, communal, relational, freedom, and diverse. They are measured against other global leadership approaches, most notably the GLOBE study which discovered several similar traits for CEOs engaged in global business. Several emerging models of polycentric mission leadership are also reviewed as part of the analysis of this emerging theoretical model. The Northouse methodology is employed for reviewing this model because of its strength as an analysis tool.
Conducting qualitative interviews within the Lausanne Movement among 33 network leaders engaged in global ministry added further validity to the project. The findings from this qualitative interview are juxtaposed to the new theoretical model to confirm the relevance of these themes. Suggestions are also offered for mission leaders and the Lausanne Movement in relation to this potential model.
The central argument discovered in the thesis is that polycentric mission leadership is an emerging theoretical model that deserves further research and one which may lead to the development of a new theory of leadership.
Mentor: Douglas McConnell 290 words
About the Polycentric Mission Leadership Dissertation (via PQDT Open…)
Download the Dissertation (PDF)
- Author: Joseph W. Handley, Jr.
- Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author.
- Additional Information:
- Advisor: McConnell, Douglas
- Commitee: Bennett, David W., Yeh, Allen L.
- School: Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies
- Department: School of Intercultural Studies
- School Location: United States — California
- Source: DAI 81/11(E), Dissertation Abstracts International
- Source Type: Dissertation
- Subjects: Religion
- Keywords: Global, Intercultural, Leadership, Mission, Polycentric, Polycentricism
- Publication Number: 27745033
- ISBN: 9798645468484
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