GUEST POST BY MATTHEW NIERMANN In the landscape of the Internet’s evolution, we’ve traversed various phases, each marked by distinct characteristics shaping how we interact with digital content. Initially, with Web 1.0, the internet served as a repository of information, where users could only passively consume content.
What is Polycentric Mission?
Summary: The term polycentric mission has become popular. While the term has a more recent origin, the concept can be traced to the inception of the church. In its earliest days, no one place held authority. The West became a Christian center for a millennia, but now we see a return to polycentric Christianity that […]
Church Formation through the Gospel
#12 『Gospel and Leadership (11)』 GUEST POST BY KOHEI TAKEDA The Worldwide Body of Christ “Domo, domo, Takeda Sensei!” About 10 years ago, it was less than a week after we moved to Boston, America from Tokyo, Japan, there was an American who helped our family. This was my wife’s first time living abroad and […]
Polycentric Leadership: An Interview with Joe Handley
VISTA EUROPE INTERVIEW BY JOANNE APPLETON REPOSTED WITH PERMISSION Q: Where did your interest in Polycentric Leadership come from? I’ve always been more of a team person; even in sports, I preferred team sports like basketball to lone ones like running. Growing up, I also experienced diversity where my best friends were from different cultures. […]
Book Review: EMQ
EMQ » July–September 2023 » Volume 59 Issue 3 Polycentric Mission Leadership: Toward a New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership By Joseph W. Handley, Jr. Fortress Press, 2023 132 pages Reviewed by Birgit Herppich, affiliate assistant professor of intercultural studies, Fuller Theological Seminary; international membership department coordinator, WEC International; and research scholar, Angelina Noble Center. The […]
Polycentric Mission for Europe
GUEST POST BY JIM MEMORY In missiology, the study of Christian mission, our attempts at understanding the advance and retreat of Christianity through history and in the present day frequently involve the creation of categories and concepts that help us make sense of the complexities of the reality ‘on the ground’. We frame the data […]
Polycentric Christian Mission and Ministry: An Introduction: From Everyone to Everywhere
A PCL whitepaper by Graham Joseph Hill: Polycentric Christian Mission and Ministry: An Introduction: From Everyone to Everywhere
Leadership, Hierarchy, and Resilience
GUEST POST BY DR. KATHY ALLEN I have been reading the resilience literature to create a simple framework that would be easy to grasp while providing a directional heading for our organizations and ourselves. This is the first of a series of blogs that reflect this theme — building resilience in our systems.
3-Generation Senior Pastor Model
Here are two articles that represent one church’s polycentric leadership model. Heart of God Church in Singapore is employing this creative approach. GUEST POST BY HEART OF GOD CHURCH – SINGAPORE 5 Senior Pastors at the Same Time Heart of God Church (HOGC-Singapore) is introducing and pioneering a model of senior leadership. Pastor Lia has […]
Great Commission Research Journal – Review
Book Review Polycentric Leadership: Toward a New Theoretical Model for Global Leadership Reviewed by Mark D. Wood, PhD, Director of Kingdom Leadership Training Center, Darhan, Mongolia. In an ever-changing, increasingly complex and globalized world, what opportunities are there to think differently about leadership? This is part of the question that Joseph Handley takes up in […]