Summary: The term polycentric mission has become popular. While the term has a more recent origin, the concept can be traced to the inception of the church. In its earliest days, no one place held authority. The West became a Christian center for a millennia, but now we see a return to polycentric Christianity that […]
What Is Polycentric Mission Leadership?
WHAT THE TRINITY, SCRIPTURE, AND ORCHESTRAS CAN TEACH US ABOUT DECISION-MAKING IN THE CHURCH Joseph Handley and Micaela Braithwaite | 20 Sep 2022 As Jesus continues to build his Body, the global church, so the challenges as well as opportunities of diversity, ethnicity, cultures, communication, and collaboration become more apparent. As a result, mission leaders […]
Defining the Difficult Term, ‘Polycentric’ by Joe Handley
In this new series of short videos from the Lausanne Movement, we define key missional terms in an easy-to-understand way. This video features Joseph Handley, Lausanne catalyst for leadership development, explaining the word ‘polycentric’. More Info Published here with permission from the Laussanne Movement.
OCMS Lecture Topic 1 – Definitions
Lecture Series on ‘Polycentric Theology, Mission, and Mission Leadership’ Oxford Centre for Mission Studies Video series that features missiologists who will consider missional polycentrism along missional and theological lines in a world where Christian mission is adapting in a rapidly changing polycentric world. About the Lecturers Dr. Joseph Handley is the president of Asian Access. Previously, he […]