A new model of leadership for today’s landscape.
Polycentric Mission Leadership is Joe Handley’s new book that details how missions can be enhanced through an innovative leadership style.

What is Polycentric Leadership?
A New Theory for Global Leadership
As our world struggles with tensions, polarities, and what feel like perpetual challenges, I am convinced that we need a new approach to leadership. This conviction compelled me to study global leadership to see if a new type of leadership might better fit current realities. My reviews of a variety of leadership models brought Polycentrism to my attention…

PCL Primer
Leading Mission Movements
Published in Evangelical Missions Quarterly; used by permission from Missio Nexus by Joseph W. Handley, Jr., Ph.D. Over the past eight…
A Leadership Model for a Polarized World
Introducing Polycentric Leadership The past thirteen months have been one of the most disruptive seasons in my lifetime. A global…
Discussing Polycentric Leadership
Asia Leadership Development Network recently interviewed Joseph W. Handley, Jr., Ph.D. about polycentric leadership for its Unleash podcast. Here’s the…
Six Traits of Polycentric Leaders
There are six distinct leadership style traits we have consistently found that are present in most polycentric leaders. Find out more about each one of them!
What They’re Saying…

J. D. Payne
Missiologist, Author, Professor of Christian Ministry at Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama[widget id=”custom_html-8″]